KrsnaKnows is the enigmatic Spiritual Master who entered the worldly realm in 2001 and started Teaching Spiritual Truths to select few before going mainstream.

After waking up from the hospital bed from a deep comatose state, he started spouting Spiritual Wisdom. When asked WHO HE WAS, His cryptic answer was – ” ONLY GOD KNOWS THE ANSWER! ” Hence, He was referred to as “KRSNAKNOWS,” or in other words “God Knows.”

KrsnaKnows expounds on ancient scriptural books without having read or studied any of them previously in His past avatar(prior to 2001). He remained incognito till 2018 and taught only a select few about the Spiritual Truths.

In 2019 He announced that His Spiritual Master has instructed Him to go mainstream and talk publicly about these Spiritual Truths.